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Advanced nutrition test

With this nutrigenetic test you will know the influence of diet on your body weight, nutrient requirements according to your genetic profile, food preferences according to your genetic profile, metabolic properties (metabolism of alcohol, lactose, gluten and caffeine), sports and leisure (muscular structure , strength training, injury risk, aerobic potential, warrior gene, among others), lifestyle (alcohol and nicotine addiction, biological aging.

How do we do it?

  1. We take a saliva sample.

  2. We send the sample to the laboratory in Slovenia.

  3. After 4 weeks you receive your report and we will know your genotype to be able to give you personalized dietary recommendations based on your DNA.

Poke Bowl con salmón
Los productos frescos

What will you know in your nutrigenetic report?

  1. Influence of diet on body weight

    1. Lost weight regain

    2. Risk of being overweight

    3. response to saturated fat

    4. Response to monounsaturated fats

    5. Response to polyunsaturated fats

    6. response to carbohydrates

    7. type of diet

  2. nutritional requirements

    1. vitamin B2

    2. vitamin B6

    3. vitamin B9

    4. B12 vitamin

    5. Vitamin D

    6. Iron

    7. Sodium

    8. Potassium

    9. Bone density

    10. Zinc

  3. Eating habits

    1. consumption of sweets

    2. Feeling of hunger and satiety

    3. Sweet taste perception

    4. Perception of bitter taste

  4. metabolic properties

    1. alcohol metabolism

    2. caffeine metabolism

    3. Lactose intolerance

    4. gluten intolerance

  5. Detoxification of your body

    1. Oxidative stress

    2. Vitamin C

    3. Vitamin E

    4. Selenium

  6. sports and recreation

    1. muscle structure

    2. Strength training or fat burning gene

    3. risk of injury

    4. Aerobic potential (VO2 max)

    5. Post exercise recovery

    6. warrior gene

    7. cardiovascular capacity

    8. muscle volume gene

    9. lean muscle mass

    10. gene for muscle fatigue

  7. Lifestyle

    1. nicotine addiction

    2. Alcohol addiction

    3. biological aging

    4. sensitivity to inflammation

    5. sleep cycles

  8. Cardiovascular health

    1. HDL cholesterol

    2. LDL cholesterol

    3. Triglycerides

    4. blood sugar

    5. Omega-3 metabolism

    6. Omega-3 and triglycerides

    7. insulin sensitivity

    8. adiponectin

    9. C-reactive protein (CRP)

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We are the first clinic in Central America specialized in Nutrigenomics and Personalized Nutrition 

Contact information

6th avenue 6-63 zone 10 Sixtino 1

Level 3 Office 312 B

Telephone: 2269 6968 or  2251 5126

WhatsApp: 5940 4913

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